Enrolment Process
Takes only 30 mins
Come down and visit us and have a look around. We have an open door policy.
Enrolling takes about 30 minutes. You will fill out an enrolment form and we will share with you some additional information.
Be sure to bring with you
An official identity verification document (eg birth certificate or passport)
Immunisation Records (from your Well Child book)
We will help you to complete the enrolment form.
Costs and Subsidies
A "no stress" fee policy
The greatest service you can provide your children is to support their education from the moment they are born.
We believe that "fees" should not be a barrier to accessing early childhood education and would never turn a child away. At Tino e Tasi, we want to ensure all our people can access quality education that celebrates our children's identity, language and culture.
Find out how our fee structure and subsidies will enable you to bring your children everyday so they can learn, grow, have fun and have the best start towards their future.